Meet our
Weaning Expert
As a Nutritionist, Food Scientist, Sensory Scientist and Chef, Zenia Deogan is known for her authenticity in flavours and spreading knowledge about Sensory Science. This is how we use our five senses (sight, sound, smell, taste and touch) to create our individual food experiences.
Zenia Deogan has used her skills to help us develop our ‘Essential Guide To Weaning’, included with every purchase of the One Step Food Maker Deluxe. Within this guide, Zenia has applied her skills to the Baby Brezza One Step Food Maker Deluxe and developed a range of amazing and flavourful recipes for every stage of weaning.

The 3 Stages Of Weaning
As you begin your weaning journey it is important to feel confident with how to introduce your little one to the exciting world of food.
There are three stages of weaning, each providing your baby with different aspects of food. Between 6–12 months, your baby will learn how their five senses perceives food experiences, more specifically – flavour and texture.
Offer a variety of foods with different colours, shapes and sizes as you progress. Experiencing texture will encourage actions in your baby’s mouth, lips, tongue, cheeks and jaw which are pivotal for the development of speech.

Stage 1 (4-6 months)
1 meal a day – approximately 1-2 tablespoons
The first stage represents the initial weeks of introducing solids to your baby, during which ‘first tastes’ and flavours are offered, often tastes of fruits and vegetables. Texture of foods should gradually progress from a super smooth and runny consistency to a slightly thicker purée with no lumps.

Stage 2 (7-9 months)
Up to 2 meals a day – quantity depends on your baby, follow their lead
The second stage is centred around offering a range of textures as this is the stage of which involves learning how to chew. Your baby will progress from smooth purées to soft lumps and mashed food textures. Once your baby has got the hang of the movement and chewing mechanisms of food, they are ready for bigger lumps and pieces.

Stage 4 (10 months+)
(Up to 3 meals a day – quantity depends on your baby, follow their lead)
During the third stage, continue to focus on exploring new flavours and textures with your baby, whilst at the same time transitioning to lumpier and coarser textures of food. This will develop and refine your baby’s chewing skills. You could also find that at this stage your baby will show increased interest in self-feeding as they may have developed the pincer grasp.

Zenia's Recipes
Introduce your little one to the wonderful world of food by exploring the exciting flavourful recipes developed by our weaning expert, Zenia.
Learn more about the health benefits of the food your baby is eating and discover how you can enhance the taste and texture of your recipes, using herbs, spices and additional ingredients.
Please feel free to download a digital copy of 3 exclusive recipes that are available in the ‘Essential Guide To Weaning’, included with every purchase of the Baby Brezza One Step Food Maker Deluxe.