What is Night Weaning and How Do You Approach It?
Time to read 6 min
Time to read 6 min
Feeding and sleep are two of the most talked-about topics in parenting, and for good reason. They are closely linked, with each influencing the other through a child's natural hormonal rhythm. Both are essential in meeting a baby’s physiological and psychological needs. Interestingly, feeding can also play a role in promoting better sleep, showing how these two vital aspects of parenting work together. In this blog, let’s explore how feeding impacts sleep and when it might be time to consider night weaning.
Before we discuss night weaning, let us first explore how feeding can promote sleep…
However, the time will come when you begin to consider night weaning. There can be so many myths and opinions when it comes to night time weaning, so let us explore how you might know when and how to consider this process.
The important thing is to drown out the unsolicited advice and consider what is best for you and your family. Night weaning should only be considered if...
Sometimes parents may feel conflicted about night weaning - wanting more uninterrupted sleep which they hope night weaning will achieve, but simultaneously not feeling ready to totally wean from night feeds.
In this instance, it may be worth considering other ways to promote sleep. Adjusting sleep schedules, increasing time outdoors, increasing tummy time or exercise depending on age, reducing screentime or implementing baby massage are all ways that could promote more sleep without changing night feeds.
But when the time comes and you do consider it the right time to night wean for both you and your family, how do you go about it?
Once the time is right, the night weaning process should be gradually. If you have been feeding baby multiple times per night and suddenly stop cold turkey, you risk leaving your baby hungry and not knowing how to soothe themselves back to sleep without support. For breastfeeding mothers, it is also important to make sure that they are not at risk of mastitis or engorgement.
Weaning from night feeds can be an emotional transition for both parent and baby. Whether you breast or bottle feed, feeding is so much more than just nutrition. It is a time for connection, offering warmth and security. Going slowly and gracefully can therefore help both parent and baby with the adjustment.
All babies wake multiple times in the night - even those who seem to sleep through it. This brief waking is a protective mechanism, but they usually return to sleep without support. Most babies find it easiest to fall back asleep if their environment remains consistent with how it was when they initially went to sleep. Therefore, a baby who has been fed to sleep, will likely prefer feeding back to sleep.
Therefore, if you plan to gradually reduce and eventually remove the night feed, baby will need support with transitioning to sleep another way. Again, a gentle transition usually works best. You may consider patting their bottom and gently swaying them as you feed them to sleep for a few nights. Then try to unlatch from feeding a few seconds before they fall asleep, so they fall asleep with the pat and sway motion. As the nights progress try unlatching earlier and earlier until eventually baby is falling asleep with the pat and sway motion rather than bottle or breast. When they seem comfortable you can try placing them into the cot and patting them to sleep, gradually reducing the patting based on their cues. Eventually they will peacefully learn to fall asleep without needing to feed.
When the baby naturally wakes and cries in the middle of the night, you can lift and feed them as usual, but follow the same technique you used earlier in the night. Over time, your baby may begin to drop feeds independently, as they learn that they can signal to you for feeding if needed, but also have the ability to return to sleep without support.
Some babies will continue to feed for as long at the milk is offered. Again, it comes down to a families own values and preference as to how long they want to continue doing this. Some parents choose to feed as long as their baby requests it, while others make a decision to gradually phrase it out.
For bottle fed infants, parents may choose to reduce the amount of milk each feed, gradually phasing out both the quantity of milk and number of feeds. This can be more challenging for breastfed babies, who may either wish to gradually reduce their feeds or begin unlatching earlier, while still making sure they receive the comfort and nutritional benefits of the feed. Some families may find it useful if the non-feeding partner settles their child during the night for the first few occasions. Others have also found it beneficial to wear a t-shirt worn by their partner to mask the smell of breastmilk.
Whilst supporting your little one with night weaning, it can helpful to keep other areas of their life consistent, so that there is not too much change. It can be beneficial to have lots of contact, hugs and bonding opportunities throughout the process. Baby massage (which can be used long after the initial baby stages) can be a lovely addition to the bedtime routine, as it promotes the release of oxytocin (known for relaxing and bonding benefits) in both parent and child.
The Baby Brezza Formula Pro Advanced automatically prepares a warm formula bottle instantly, making night feeds quicker and easier.
It delivers perfect consistency with no air bubbles for a smooth, hassle-free feed. Faster, more accurate and more hygienic than hand-scooping, it makes feeding effortless every time.
The Baby Brezza Bottle & Breast Milk Warmer is perfect for late-night feeds, offering precise, even warming, while preserving nutrients.
It adjusts based on milk temperature, quantity and bottle material to choose the proper warming time to prevent overheating and to make sure your baby's milk is always safe, ready and hassle free.
The Baby Brezza Bottle Washer Pro makes bottle cleaning effortless by washing, sterilising and drying bottles, pump parts and accessories - saving you time and effort.
Washing bottles is time consuming! Why not stick the washer on overnight and wake up to clean bottles? Items remain sterilised for 72 hours so you'll be ready for the new day.
Whenever and however you choose to support your baby with night weaning, make sure it is the right time for you – this is a very personalised journey. Always follow the advice of health professionals in relation to your individual child. Some families may choose to seek advice and support from a feeding specialist to support their journey. Remember, the most important thing is that the process feels right for your family and is done with love, care, and understanding.