Daytime Potty Training vs. Nighttime Potty Training: What You Need to Know

Potty training is a huge child development milestone for your little one! But did you know that potty training can be split into two categories - daytime and nighttime training?
Nighttime training will often come significantly later than daytime training as it is reliant on physical developments in the body. We understand this can be a confusing process for both you and your little one and so this blog will cover the basics of nighttime potty training.
What You Need to Know:
What is the difference between Day and Nighttime Potty Training?
Usually, children will learn how to potty train during the day before they learn how to potty train at night. The amount of time this will take will vary from child to child, so it is important not to compare. According to the NHS website ‘by age 3, 9 out of 10 children are dry most days – even then, all children have the odd accident.’ Yet, 1 in 5 children aged five will still sometimes wet the bed. If you more information on daytime potty training, please read this blog.

Nighttime toilet training is based on your little one’s development, rather than their age. Most children will have gained some bowel control by the age of one, meaning that they will stop pooing during the night.
Bowel control usually comes before bladder control as this is a physical development that many children do not complete until they are around age 6. For full bladder control at night, the brain must send signals to the body to tell your little one they must wake up to use the toilet. The length of time this may take can often be due to genetics. In addition to this, it will also commonly take deep sleepers longer to learn how to nighttime potty train.
How will I know if my child is ready for Nighttime Potty Training?
It can be helpful to make sure that your child understands and is completing the daytime potty training process before moving on to nighttime training. Research has shown that starting the process too early will cause an overall delay in completing the process, so it is best to wait until your little one shows signs that they are ready. If you notice that your child’s nappy is dry or only slightly damp when they wake for two to three days in a row, then they may be ready to start the nighttime toilet training process.

Some other signs of nighttime potty training readiness are:
- Your child asks not to or refuses to wear nappies or potty training pants at night
- Your child removes their nappy or potty training pants during the night
- During the night, they ask to go to the toilet or they do so by themselves
It is important to remember that it can often take months or years for some children to understand and complete the nighttime potty training process. Potty training is a huge developmental milestone for both you and your little one. If your child is not yet showing signs of potty training readiness, there is no need to rush. Wait a few more weeks and try again!
Our Nighttime Training Top Tips:
Potty training can be a tricky thing to navigate. We have complied a list of our top tips to help you successfully nighttime potty train your little one!
- Potty training can be messy. It can be beneficial to purchase a waterproof sheet to protect the child’s mattress before starting the nighttime potty training process.
- Try to not rush the process. As nighttime training is based hugely on child development, it is important that the child undergoes this process when they are ready to do so. Make sure your child is showing signs of nighttime potty training readiness before starting the process.
- Make sure to have a spare set of pyjamas and bedsheets handy in case an accident does happen throughout the night.
- Have a potty handy, near where the child is sleeping. This will allow them to quickly use the potty if they wake up during the night and need to relieve themselves.
- Some parents find it useful to incorporate the potty into their child’s bedtime routine. Ask your little one to use the potty before they go to bed to allow them to chance to relieve themselves before they go to sleep.
- Continue to praise your child as you would have done during daytime potty training.
- Make sure to not embarrass or shame your child if an accident does occur.
Day and Nighttime Potty Training with the Potette Potty

The first stage of any potty training journey is being prepared with the right potty for you and your little one. Shortlisted for the Made For Mums Award 2024 and winner of Gold for the Made For Mums Awards 2023, the Potette Plus is a portable potty that is perfect for at home or on the go as it can be folded flat. It can also be either a standalone potty or a toiler trainer seat! The easily collapsible and unique rubberised feet provide stability. Plus, it's easy to clean which makes it perfect for hassle free, hygienic sanitation.
Potty training can feel like a lengthy process for both you and your little one. However, it is important to not rush the process. If your little one hasn’t quite got the hang of it yet, that is okay! Have a break and try again in a few weeks. Each child is unique and will understand and complete the process at different times. Best of luck potty training!