If you have made the decision not to breastfeed, whether for personal, health or other reasons or if you have decided to supplement your baby’s breast milk with formula, you are probably all too familiar with the chore of preparing newborn bottles. With so many bottles to make each day, and often with an impatient baby in your arms, it can be time-consuming and stressful. But with a Baby Brezza Formula Pro®, bottle preparation is now a breeze, dispensing the best milk for newborns.
The Bottle Barista For Your Home
The Baby Brezza Formula Pro® prepares a perfect bottle for your baby in just 15 seconds, all you need to do is put the bottle in place, click the button and wait for your formula to be prepared to your baby’s high standards. You can choose from three temperature settings to make it just the way your baby likes it every time – it’s like having a bottle Barista in your home!
No more waiting for the kettle to boil, measuring out the formula with that tiny scoop, shaking the bottle frantically, waiting for it to cool to the perfect temperature, all the while testing it endlessly on your wrist until your sleeve is milk stained to perfection – not to mention juggling an increasingly restless and hungry baby in your arms. It’s about time™ the Baby Brezza Formula Pro® came to your rescue and saved you the time and hassle of the endless bottle prep machine.

Get Back 30 Minutes of ‘Me-Time’ Every Day
We all long for some extra ‘me-time’ when we are parents and the Baby Brezza Formula Pro® can give you some of that precious time back… around 30 minutes to be exact! That is 30 minutes to take a shower, drink a hot cup of coffee, read your book, go for a walk with your baby or whatever you feel like doing, this is YOUR time to do whatever you want to do to help you feel like you again. Enjoy!
The Baby Brezza Formula Pro® is able to give you back those 30 minutes of bliss because it makes the best formula milk for your newborn – so you don’t have to. It works with almost all formulas and is very simple to set up and easy to use, with step-by-step instructions to ensure you get the perfect bottle every time.
It is the number one best formula dispenser machine worldwide because it takes the guesswork out of bottle feeding and saves you valuable time when you need it most. No one likes hearing their baby cry while waiting for a bottle of infant milk to cool, it is an unnecessarily stressful element of infant bottle feeding, but with a Baby Brezza Formula Pro® you will never be in that situation again.
Perfect For Night Feeds
The Baby Brezza Formula Pro® is useful at any time of day, but it really comes into it’s own when your baby wakes for a feed during the night. If you have already started bottle feeding without a formula prep machine, then you will be all too familiar with the woes of sleep-deprived bottle prep during the twilight hours, as you fumble around the kitchen trying to measure out 8oz of boiling water without turning on the light, accompanied by the soundtrack of a tired and hungry baby.
If you are solo parenting or letting your other half sleep while you are on night duty, then the Baby Brezza Formula Pro® is the Robin to your Batman, it will take care of the formula milk dispenser details while you focus on the bigger picture of conquering the night time routine and getting your little one changed, fed and settled back to sleep.
It is also helpful if you have had a C-section or a difficult birth and are finding it uncomfortable to move around your home while holding your baby. You can set up the Baby Brezza Formula Pro® in any room in your home so you can quickly and easily make bottles of newborn formula when you need them, without spending a long time standing up in the kitchen. Similarly, if grandparent’s or friends are coming to help you look after your little one while you recover, or babysit later on, you won’t need to worry about them preparing a bottle if they haven’t done it before, as the Baby Brezza Formula Pro® will prepare the bottle to the same exacting standards no matter who is making it

Real Parent’s Share Their Stories…
“I have combi-fed both my children because I had problems with my milk supply. When I was bottle feeding my daughter I used the traditional method of measuring everything out and boiling the kettle every time but when I had my son, my husband cracked and brought us the Baby Brezza and both of us can’t believe the difference! It is so quick and easy and has literally saved my sanity. I only wish we had discovered it the first time round!!!” – Emilie.
“When we had our baby I wanted to do something to help so I took over the night feeds. I got the Brezza straight away because one of my mates recommended it and it’s the best money I’ve ever spent.” – Martin.
“I absolutely love this product. It’s great to make a bottle without having to scoop out of a canister of formula and wait for water to at the right temperature.” – Jess.
“This milk bottle maker is great! Soooo easy to make bottles, even with one hand while holding the baby.” – Tina.
“Worth every penny. Best baby gadget I bought. By far. It has made bottle making a 10 second process.” – Anna.